Thank you!
You are now all signed up. I will keep you posted about articles, papers, books and other miscellaneous things that I have been working on as they come into the world.
In the meantime, I wanted to give you something to say thank you for your support. I realise that there are some of you who might be more interested in my theological reflections and some of you who have signed up to find out more about my creative projects. So I have got something for both groups.
If you are here for the theology. You might like to tune into some video lectures on the Trinity & the Person of Christ that I did during COVID lockdown in 2021. I recorded these for the Bible College of South Australia and they have very kindly allowed me to share them with you.
If you want to find out about what interested in my creative projects, please help yourself to the pdf of my Pirate paraphrase of Mark’s Gospel. I began this after translating excerpts of the Gospel for International Talk Like a Pirate Day and receiving a very positive response from both Christian and non-Christian friends.