
In Light of the Son

What does it mean to call Jesus the Son of God? What does that have to do with us? Absolutely everything.

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Matthias Media

My doctoral thesis on how the human life of Jesus relates to his divine sonship. You can get a very simplified gist here.

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Tales of the Pirate Gospel

Fancy reading Mark’s Gospel in Pirate language with a piratey map and piratey parables? This be yer trove, shipmate.

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“Christ & Creation …”

In this contribution to Revelation and Reason in Christian Theology, I attempt to map the outlines of an orthodox and biblical form of “Cosmic Christology.”

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“The Hidden Centre“ is an essay exploring some aspects of the negative theology of Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury.

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The Blood Miles

What would you get if you mashed-up Pilgrim’s Progress and a 21st century post-apocalyptic road movie?
You’d get The Blood Miles.
Find out  More.

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